SEO in Content Marketing – Leverage Google Search to Scale Your Blog


Unless you know for sure you don’t want to be seen on the search engines, SEO is – to be general – for everyone. When someone’s website is correctly search engine optimized, a huge part of their success comes from inbound links from earned, owned, and paid media.

Content marketing works very well in tandem with ethical, Google-compliant SEO, because content marketers need both social media & SEO to attract, convert and engage clients, and social media is essential to SEO for real businesses. Content marketers who document their strategy are nearly twice as apt to have concrete results from their content marketing strategy, as those content marketers who don’t document their work.

Hence, when you choose a content marketer, choose one like - who tracks everything they do, as well as your website analytics, so you’re able to measure your results.

Social Media in Your SEO Content Strategy

The first way to get strong social signals, and a powerful presence on social media is to make out a social strategy of your own. Society has shifted from printed media & TV to online media, and more recently, to mobile. What that means is audiences are consuming content in new, savvy & untapped ways. You have to place yourself where they go the most.

Want to Expand Your Content and Get Seen? Use Guest Blogging

Owing to the improved complexity of Google’s algorithm over the years, new websites do take longer to appear in the high search rankings compared to older ones. Understand that patience pays off; white-hat SEO in 2018, 2019 and beyond is like growing a six-pack, in that results don’t magically come within a month. - works on this philosophy to set a long-term strategy to solidify the queries, impressions & clicks you get from Google, which, from a business perspective, translates to a greater return-on-investment and more profits.

Because truly ethical & effective SEO work is long-term, when you have a new website and when people search for the topics you write about, your website will not be in the search rankings, and you won’t capture your desired traffic from the start. After laying out a social media foundation for your website, guest blogging can give you a tremendous push in this exposure.

Guest blogging allows you to network with other bloggers in your industry and is a great means of attracting traffic & authority to your website. Simply make a list of topics on your site for which you desire to rank, and reach out to bloggers in those niches with exact keywords for those topics in mind.

Also note that if you’re migrating your content from an old website to your new one, you want to make sure any visitors that go to the URLs on your old site, get redirected to their equivalents on your new site… hence, your visitors will wind up on their intended destination. To preserve the user experience like this, use HTTP 301 redirects so that Google knows you’ve moved to the new domain for good. When Google sees that, your old site’s authority can “seep into” the new site, helping it to approach or match the old site in its existing rankings.

Now that you’ve posted, marketed and shared your content, your next step is to diligently monitor your site’s performance – especially the queries, impressions & clicks – using Google Analytics. It can be time-consuming, but - can help you with that.