Legal Problems after an Auto Wreck


Legal Problems after an Auto Wreck

Most people, at some point or another, will be involved in an auto wreck. Even if you are not the at-fault driver, there are still certain things you should keep in mind to avoid legal problems after an auto wreck. Most of the advice you’ll receive regarding the do’s and don’ts after a car accident deals with strengthening your case if you decide to file a personal injury claim for compensation with help from a -.

Don’t Give Recorded Statements Without a Lawyer

One of the biggest mistakes you can make after being in a car accident is to give a recorded statement to the at-fault driver’s insurance company. You wouldn’t give a deposition without an attorney present, and essentially, a recorded statement given to an insurance company is the same thing. They can and will use that statement to hurt you later in your case. This is why another thing you often hear is to never admit blame to anyone after a car accident. Insurance adjusters are not there to help you; they work for the insurance company and will, therefore, do their best to lower your claim so the company can get away with paying you less, or not paying you at all.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Immediately after a car accident, the first thing you should do is seek medical care (source: -). Not only is this in your best interest medically, it is also essential to building a personal injury case. You will need your condition and injuries assessed by a medical professional immediately after the auto wreck, so they are documented fully and in an official medical report.

Being involved in an auto accident is a stressful event, but there are certain do’s and don’ts to consider that will lower your likelihood of encountering legal problems after an auto wreck.